Thursday, September 5, 2013

Why Use Hypnotherapy?

Time and time again clients report to me that they accomplish more in their six-nine sessions with me, using hypnotherapy, than they do in many years of therapy. The reason for this is quite simple and amazing! Counseling takes place in the conscious mind and hypnotherapy accesses the subconscious mind where all of the reasons behind our behaviors are stored. There is a super strong gatekeeper between the conscious and subconscious mind and hypnosis is the best way to get past this guardian. 

Can hypnosis make me do something against my will?
Your subconscious mind is very protective of you and does not accept any suggestions that are harmful to you or with which you disagree. I know this from experience with clients.
When their subconscious disagrees with something I've suggested it is like hitting a brick wall!!  We just back up and together find out what would be a better fit so that they may reach their stated goal.

Is hypnosis safe?
Yes!! It is a simple and natural state of mind that you are in at least twice each day. Waking up and going to sleep you pass through this delightfully calm and relaxed state. The only complaint I get from clients is that they don't want to come back to their normal wakeful awareness. "Do I have to?"  :)

Hypnosis is a goal oriented process. You tell me much less than you would a counselor and you don't need to relive painful experiences in the same way. You tell me what you want to achieve, I listen for what seems to be in the way, then together we access and heal your powerful subconscious mind. You verbally participate in the process and remember what is important to remember. 

Hypnotherapy is a brief, fun, powerful and life changing process. Since you reach your goals much more quickly hypnosis is very cost effective. Call today for your free one hour consultation! 

Marie Maguire
(425) 466-1476

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