Thursday, July 3, 2014

Client Success Stories

Many of my clients are challenged by anxiety. To illustrate this let me tell you about a young woman whose existence was bathed in anxiety. Driving, working, socializing, and relationships were all such a challenge that her world was getting smaller and more constricted. In our work together she learned to calm her nervous system without drugs, how to thrive in daily situations, how to honor her needs, and we also healed past trauma’s that had been troubling her.

Here are a few other success stories . . .
Details changed to protect confidentiality.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Path to Happiness

Happiness can be an elusive thing. If only ... If only I had more money THEN I'd be happy. If I had a better job, better health... the list goes on and on. Even when we do happen to achieve one of those goals happiness stays only a fleeting moment. It is there until our problem focused mind discovers just one more thing that must change before happiness becomes permanent.

And yet, there are happy people who don't have any of those things we might list as necessary for happiness. What is their secret?