Many of my
clients are challenged by anxiety. To illustrate this let me tell you about a
young woman whose existence was bathed in anxiety. Driving, working,
socializing, and relationships were all such a challenge that her world was getting smaller and more constricted. In our work together she
learned to calm her nervous system without drugs, how to thrive in daily
situations, how to honor her needs, and we also healed past trauma’s that had
been troubling her.
Here are a few other success stories . . .
changed to protect confidentiality.
A client, who
was a successful business man, struggled with social anxiety and wouldn't do
evening social events. When he came for
our fifth session he had planned to question our work together yet the
night before, when he was at a social event, his friend commented on his seeming
ease and comfort. The client was completely
amazed! The change had been so subtle that he hadn't even noticed that he was
shopping, visiting, networking, and socializing with great ease.
A young female client had experienced a traumatic event and developed PTSD. Her world kept getting smaller and smaller as she tried to handle things on her own. We were able to heal the effects of the event and broaden her world. This inspired her to ask if we could do deeper healing work for childhood issues. Our work together set her free from relationship problems, helped her gain a strong voice, inspired her to take healthy risks and even dare to dream up a whole new life.
A young boy came in with anger issues that caused some acting out behaviors. In three sessions he himself discovered the root of his anger and chose other ways of dealing with the pent up energy. He was well on his way to a better life and better relationships.
There was a woman who was afraid of water and bridges and she was new to the Seattle area. We discovered the fear was rooted in past life experiences, so we explored the story and the decisions made. Then together we went back into that life and helped her feel empowered to change and rearrange things until she felt better. She reports to this day that she is completely free of that old fear and loves Seattle.
I worked with a business owner of the East Coast who had fears and trauma that was hindering business and personal success. We worked on the phone and healed the past, renewed connection to instinctive knowing and helped free the client from unhealthy dependency on others approval.
Interested? Curious? Call or come soon for a FREE one hour consultation.
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